Des trucs comme ci, des trucs comme ça

Bernadette Gervais, Des trucs comme ci, des trucs comme ça Editions Les Grandes Personnes, 2021 In the world arranged by Bernadette Gervais, the stainless steel frying pan and the diamond are together because they shine in the same way. The popcorn and the kangaroo both belong in the category of things that jump, and the […]

Les Intrus

Bastien Contraire, Les intrus Editions Albin Michel Jeunesse (2016) The book of the month is “Les Intrus” by Bastien Contraire published in 2016 by Albin Michel Jeunesse (in 2017 by Editions Clichy for Italy). Bastien Contraire collects boards filled with pink and green drawings, which look a bit like the pages of “lessons of things” […]